Liquidity Management
Our liquidity management tools can help your business automate payments and consolidate funds — ultimately reducing your company’s exposure to liquidity risk. Take a tour of our Treasury Management Online Banking platform. Contact us to learn more.
- Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA): Checks or deposits in a sub account transfer automatically to and from a master account. Balances are maintained in the master account for funding the sub account when checks are presented, leaving no idle balances.
- Cash Concentration: Ability to transfer funds from other accounts at remote locations and consolidate into your master account at Origin Bank. Consolidating cash into your master account allows efficiency of cash management and identifies excess cash available for investments.
- Loan Sweeps: Your approved loan can be linked to your deposit account to automatically transfer funds to pay down balances on your loan or to advance funds from your loan account into your depository account.
- Investment Sweeps: Excess business funds can be moved into demand deposit accounts and money market deposit accounts, all FDIC-Insured, giving you complete control over your daily liquidity needs.
Find out more about our other innovative Treasury Management Solutions: Disbursements, Receivables, Information Management, Fraud Mitigation, Business Card Solutions, Meet our Team